Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Like any city, Portland has it's pros and cons, but after my third visit (this time virtually rain free) I have to say I am very smitten. I can envision myself biking to work every day, and am practicing now on the evermore bike-friendlier streets of Los Angeles. I wouldn't mind trying a different restaurant every week and all the unique food trucks scattered around town by the plenty. I foresee myself sipping hot cocoa or coffee at Powell's Hawthorne weekly and walking down my neighborhood streets and taking in all the beautiful gardens that are obviously the pride and joy of their owners! I can envision treasure hunting in thrift stores that thrive on nostalgia. I most definitely can see myself taking many weekend trips to the coast or visiting the beautiful wine country, spending time in the more rural and hospitable parts of Oregon that remind me of my Texan roots. I don't know if I will live in Portland though, as there are many other places I would equally love to live in a heartbeat (most outside the US), and the opportunity has not yet presented itself. So for now I will just admire Portland as a visitor from afar and show you some of the colorful, quirky beauty that enchanted me.

And as a fun additive if you haven't seen Portlandia, it is a great show that takes place in Portland. It starts again in January on IFC. Portland native and Sleater Kinney band member Carrie Brownstien and SNL cast-member Fred Arminsen created and star in this creative comedy series along with many fun guest appearances like Aubrey Plaza and Amy Mann.

1 comment:

  1. great the top tree pic with the stairs in the middle!
